The FSL Earrings Class will be held on Saturday, October 9, 2019 from 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM.

Come and make your very own Halloween earrings.  This class is a real stitch and sew much fun!

The class fee is $20,.00, plus supplies. Each earring kit is $700 and includes the wires.   Stabilizer is $1.00 per hooping.

We have six seats available.  Hurry to sign up and get your spook on!

The earrings are approximately 1″ high.

The hoop size needed is 4″ x 4″ or 5″ x 7″.

You will need to bring your embroidery machine, scissors, bobbins, thread (white, black, orange, yellow, green, hot pink, and blue) and water soluble stabilizer, etc.

We need to know your hoop size and format at the time of registration.

If seats are available, you may register for this class up to the close of business on the day before.